We work together with GlobalGiving.
GlobalGiving is a nonprofit that supports other nonprofits by connecting them to donors and companies. Since 2002, they've helped trusted, community-led organizations from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (and hundreds of places in between) access the tools, training, and support they need to make our world a better place.
Abraham's Oasis/Reframe
Reframe is a networking platform that supports refugee led organizations across the world. It showcases their work and connects them to the partnerships and funding they need to transform their communities.
456 Organizations, 37 Countries, Reaching over 1 million people
Alternative Donation Options:
United Kingdom
Bank transfer to Reliance Bank
Abraham’s Oasis UK
Sort Code 60 01 73
Account 00213860 -
United States of America
Cheque made payable to Hope Ethiopia with Abraham’s Oasis in memo field.
Mail to:
HopeEthiopia Inc., P.O.Box 71055
Sunnyvale, CA 94086On-line:
hopeethiopia.org/abraham-s-oasis -
NL28 INGB 0102 7432 74
t.n.v. Bridge to Light -
Abrahams Oasis
Account Number
Swift code
Endaselasie Branch
Shire Endaselasie, Tigray, Eth